On September 5th, 2002, Guido wrote:
I'm about to develope a new vi to control a Honeywell UDC 1000 Micro-Pro
Is anybody aware of an existing (public) VI?
Thanks for any hint,
Then SysApp answered:
I have vi's for UDC 3300 series. I do not know the differenc in the
contolers. I wrote them in a hurry so they are not real great, but
they work. Let me know if you want me to email them.
And Guido said
I would be very grateful if you could send me your VIs as attachment to
my e-mail address gcinato@demagas.it.
I will test it and, in case of improvement, send it back to you.
Thanks a lot,
But: how can Guido let you know anything, if SysApp's e-mail is x@no.email?
So, plea
se contact me,