error 10007 usually means bad channel error.
Does the PCI-MIO-16XE-50 (this should not be an AT card) work with the SCXI? From what I understand, you are having problem with the DAQ-Card. Please provide more information on your system configuration.
Here is some information about this error and possible workaround:
If you are entering a number that is certainly inside the allowed range of your hardware and still is getting this error, the configuration you have in your system is the responsible for the unavailability of this channel.
The first thing to check is the Default analog input mode you have set your board in Max. Right click on your board and chose Properties > AI. If you have the b
oard set for Differential mode that means you loose half of your channels of your Board, because each pair of channels ( channel "n" and channel "n + 8") is going to be used for one acquisition, for this reason you cannot type channels "n + 8" in the Test Panel because they are not available.
If you don't have Differential mode as the Default analog input mode and still is getting this error, you probably have a virtual channel configured for differential mode. Configuring a virtual channel for Differential mode, let's say channel number "n", is going to make the channel number (n + 😎 of your board unavailable for input, in this way, even if you have Referenced Single Ended or Non Referenced Single Ended as the DEFAULT mode for your board you still can get the -10007 error when typing the channel number (n + 😎 in the test panel.
XD Gao
Application Engineer,
National Instruments