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USER LOGIN information

Hi everyone,


I created this Vi, basically it does some login operation like Adding user and deleting, changing the password it works somewhat okay, but I am not getting smooth transition between each button.

anyone tell me what is wrong.




0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4

Hi Basavaraj,


@Basavaraj093 wrote:

anyone tell me what is wrong.


This is wrong:

You created nested event structures within 2 levels of while loops!

Your whole VI structure is wrong!


There should be only ONE while loop with exactly ONE event structure inside…


The remaining code also needs a lot of improvements!

  • There is a SearchAndReplaceString function, that can replace the whole "RemoveSpaces" subVI…
  • There are RaceConditions in your code! Just because you place some nodes left or right DOESN'T define their execution order!
  • You completely forgot to cleanup your block diagram: Cleaner coder is easier to read and understand! (And easier to debug…)
  • Why do you need ComboBoxes to delete a user or change its password???
Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4

Why I used a combo box is that when admin adds user details the usernames will store in combo Box, 

The same combo Box will be there on login page.


Admin just select the username and delete that.

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Message 3 of 4

Your code is 10 time more complicated than it needs to be. All you need is a single toplevel loop, a single event structure, and a proper state machine architecture with the shift register anchored on the toplevel loop. You probably don't need any local variables.


An Aztec pyramid of a case structure inside a case structure inside a case structure inside an event structure inside an event structure inside a while loop inside an event structure inside a while loop is NOT reasonable! (even if you like turducken for breakfast!)






Even if you set all events to not lock the panel (as you did), you get serious dataflow constipation, race conditions and lockups. In fact for a LabVIEW beginner, you might even start without any event structures at all.


You need to delete ALL code (except for the terminals) and start from scratch. This is a simple problem and it is likely that would would find something close by doing a forum search.


Message 4 of 4