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USB 6008 coding using labview

hi...i have been workin on my MSc project . I need to do the stability analysis of osseointegrated implant using natural frequency... for that the setting is...there would be an abutment, a sensor is attached to it, the signal from the sensor goes to the charged amplifier from there it goes the the DAQ which is USB 6008 nd then into the PC having labview. I need to develope a code using labview to control the measurement from the USB 6008, like when the measurement should start, after storing the measurement there will be FFT analysis done to decipher the result. Can any one suggest how to do the coding to control the measurement of the USB using labview I am pretty new to labview. If someone could suggest how to start on with the coding it will be useful

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Message 1 of 11

Make sure you have DAQmx installed ( you should be able to check that within Automation Explorer (MAX)), then look in the LabVIEW examples, and browse by task. Browse into Data acquisition and pick a task that suit your needs. Open the example and adjust it as needed.



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Message 2 of 11


For this you have to installed DAQ MAX Driver and compatible labview platforms.

The USB 6008 problem is that its port is not sourcing it is sinking  when It is on it makes all channel at some voltage in case of digital output.

When you switch on any channel it will ground that channel and you will get active low in case of ON.

The problem is when you switch of your PC , all channel gets LOW and all instruments will active attached to the DO channel.

To avoid this you need to do some hardware arrangements like use one channel of USB 6008 as a common for system.

'Switch on this channel when your code on and switch off this channel when code exit.


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Message 3 of 11

hi...i did the analog data acquisition...the thing is that i need to store the data after a certain threshold....meaning the data acquisistion will go on....but the storage of the data will begin only after a certain threshold....can u tell me how to do that?

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Message 4 of 11
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Message 5 of 11

when iam runnin the program after doin analog input data logging...iam gettin an error message that tdms file cannot be converted to specific data shud i debug that?

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Message 6 of 11

What's the error code and in which node the error got returned to you?

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Message 7 of 11

iam gettin the error in the node from read measurement file to the second waveform

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Message 8 of 11

Hi, would you please tell me the error code? and which version of LabVIEW you are using? And did you try with TDMS nodes, instead of Read Measurement File? The nodes are in Programming->File I/O->TDM Streaming.

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Message 9 of 11

iam usin labview 8.2.....student version...when i take the read nd write file out of the loop the error dissappers

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Message 10 of 11