I'll start with a short description of my setup. We have two PXI chassis with 12 daq cards each and a sample rate of 100k. These two chassis sends the data to a PC were the data are further processed. Priviosly the data was sent through 4 ports (2 in each chassi) using TCP/IP protocol. Now we would like to attach more clients to these data and we are trying to migrate to UDP multicasting. I have some experience with multicasting using one port but no idea how to implement it on multiple ports. A slimmed down version of the application have been attached to show you how I would like to implement it. Any how I'm getting error 55 (transmission in progress) in the udp write VI and it is not possible to set wait function efter each sen, since I'm trying to send 192 UDP packages (each package contains 40012 Byte) in 100 ms. My question is if it is possible to do this at all?
Best regards