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Type Code for Fixed Point

The VI "C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2011\vi.lib\Utility\GetType.llb\Get Type Code from I16" takes a type descriptor in and outputs an enum that indicates the type.  However it doesn't handle fixed point numeric types, returning "bad wire" as the type.

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Thats the dangerous part about digging into vi.lib.  Lots of useful functions can be found but the documentation does not contain information on what the SCOPE of the functions are.  I this case the vi in question is probably demoted in favor of a newer method in fxp and left for backward compatability.  it likely predates the fixed point functions that were added around 7.0

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
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I think that the GetType.llb functions are now replaced with the VariantType.lvlib library. 


The old library provides backwards compatability. The newer library has support for fixed point and timestamp data.





The OpenG Variant library is being updated to support the newer datatypes.



You may be interested in this post on LAVA w/r/t rolling your own "format anything" code:


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