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Transparency feature for touch panel module under LabView 2011

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I'm developing touch panel applications since several years now. With LabView 2011, it is not possible any more, to set the color of push buttons to transparency.


Got this feature lost with Labview 2011? Or did I miss a special setting?


With the last updates to Labview 2009 and LabView 2010, the touch panel module did not change at all.


Thank you very much,



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 9

Hi Magnus,


i changed the colour of all six push-button-types in LabView 2011 (OK, cancel, stop, all 3 booleans) in transparent.

It works just like in LabView 2010. (look to the pdf-file, i attached)

I'm confused, that it doesn't work on your LabView2011.

Could you please attach a screenshot of your colour-setting-possibilities?

It would help me, to understand your problem better.


best regards


Johannes Winkler


Application engineering

National Instruments


0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9

Hello Johannes,


I can apply transparency on the development system, but the transparency gets lost when I run the application on the target device.


I added the screenshots for better understanding (This effect does not occur when I run the same application on the same target device under LabView 2010).


Thank you very much,



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9

Hello again,


which target device has you, and which windows ce version has you on it?

Because it could be, LabView 2011 don't support your windows ce version.


Look at these links:


best regards

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9



the target device is a development of our company, processor type is Marvell XScale-PXA270.


Operating system is Windows CE 5.0


Everything works fine except the transparency.


Best Regards,



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9



after i searched in our internal web, i found something about your problem.

If you build the Touch Panel Application, you can select the depth for the bitmap

you want to generate in the "screen depth" list in your build specification settings.

Your problem occurs if the screen depth is 24 bit.

So please look at your build specification settings, the screen depth should be 8 bit.



0 Kudos
Message 6 of 9



the setting was all the time at 8bit.


I took over the whole project with all settings from LabView2010 to LabView2011.


The only thing that changed is the lost transparency.





0 Kudos
Message 7 of 9
Accepted by topic author M.Riede

Hello Magnus,


after i tried to reproduce your lost transparency on a touch panel in LabVIEW 2011,

i got the same green bar instead of a transparent button like you.

In LabVIEW 2010, the button is transparent.


I made a type definition with a push button, where i fit in a colored rectangle (like your logo),

but it didn't work.

After that, i asked a touch panel specialist in our department. He said, that

error often occurs on many touch panels with windows ce 5.0 and lower versions.

But no solutions were found yet.


Sorry i can't tell you more about that problem.

Perhaps, you take the LabVIEW 2010 touch panel module for that project.


best regards


Johannes Winkler


Application Engineering

National Instruments

Message 8 of 9

ok, I will live with it.


Thank you very much for your efforts.



0 Kudos
Message 9 of 9