01-13-2022 11:49 AM
Hello all,
I'm currently working on a project that interfaces NI USRP with the LabVIEW communication suite 2020. Here we transmit a PSK modulated signal through usrp tx(PSK USRP Tx_V2.vi) and we need to write the IQ signal from the receiver(PSK USRP RX V3.vi/psk_rx.vi) for various SNR values which will be controlled on the transmitter side. The data should be collected in TDMS file format which should be complex data(real and imaginary). My problem is,
1. I'm not able to write the complex value in the TDMS file
2. I want to write the calculated energy and filtered signal in the TDMS file format.
3. I've also tried to collect the data without demodulating in psk_rx.vi by queuing it. In this, there is no data flow in de queue element.
4. Also I request to check the flow of the programs attached below.
05-17-2022 07:31 AM
Hello Dear.
As an experiment, I have made a small modification on your psk_rx.vi, and I could write the IQ value, I think there is no problem in writing values. Please see in the attached.
Best Regards.