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Timekeeping for Modbus RTU protocol with RS485 interphase

Hello Everyone,

I am using Modbus RTU protocol and RS485 interphase to communicate with an inverter. In my main while loop I am reading 6 parameters from the inverter registry and writing rpm values to a register which all 7 parameters are being written on a generated txt file. I want to keep track of time of my readings in miliseconds(or 10ms) and register time values to my text file after I start my vi. I attached my trial as png which is not in the vi.
Looking forward to hear LVchamps passive aggressive comments. By the way, yes I did watch beginners tutorials, please don't suggest me that. Anything constructive to improve my vi overall is beyond welcome.


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Message 1 of 2

Hi Arda,

I suggest you refactor your VI, use a producer-consumer design pattern as it too messy for troubleshooting. Plug in a Action Engine Elapsed Timer to track the time in your VI. Use the Modbus Library downloaded from VI Package Manager and call the API in your VI instead will be a better way out.

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