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Tab Control - UI Tabs Customization

Thanks a lot for answers, suggestions and ideas, but solution with pictures a little bit hard for realization, because text also must present, and this text must be translated to different languages... In additonal, the background color of active/inactive tabs must be differ... See below how it should be realized:

but I will play a little bit with pictures on the tabs...


0 Kudos
Message 11 of 17
I think you may have to buy an activex control to get something like this. I don't know if the new Xcontrols could do this. Since we were on the subject, here is a vi to get the tab control into a picture indicator.
0 Kudos
Message 12 of 17

This one seems to be the leading activex tab control.

Message 13 of 17
If you have corporate guidelines for tab controls, then I would assume that other departments that use different programming languages have already created or bought an ActiveX control that meets the standards. I think you should try contacting other people where you work. At the very least, contact the authors of the guidelines and ask them where they saw this particular type of tab control.
Message 14 of 17
Sure, we have ActiveX which meets standards. This is skinning with WindowBlinds. But interferences with LabVIEW application are too much when skinning is used. In general I able to make skinning, but then some screen effects are present (black gaps in menu, some issues in dialogs, etc.) Some issues here. As result I would like to avoid any to use any third-party component and meet standard only with native LabVIEW customization...
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Message 15 of 17
I've never used WindowBlinds but I'm not surprised that there might be compatilbility issues. LabVIEW windows, controls, and indicators are implemented differently than the vast majority of mswin applications. NI has done this on purpose to maintain compatibility to it's Mac and Uniz versions and the LabVIEW implementations in fact, pre-date anything from microsoft.
Message 16 of 17
Wow... Dennis you really seem to know every last thing around LabVIEW... It's always interesting to read your posts because you not only know how things work but also why they work this way (which is certainly the best way to remember how they work 😉)

We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.


Antoine Chalons

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Message 17 of 17