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Struggling with simple serial comms

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Hi all - been hacking away at something that should be simple for hours now, so I'm gonna ask for help...


I have an RS-485 device connected to COM5 via a USB adaptor, running at 9600 baud, 0,8,1,none - basic serial parameters. I can talk to the device using it's native terminal software, and even using hyperterminal with the above settings. It seems a no-brainer and so I thought LabVIEW and VISA would connect without much effort.


So I use the following simple sequence in LabVIEW:

- VISA configure serial port, 9600,0,8,1,none (no errors)

- VISA set buffer size, 4096 with a mask of 48 (no errors)

- VISA flush buffers, both buffers (no errors)

- VISA write, command string is "PR C2\r\n" which should be echoed, and return a numeric value (normally 0)

- check bytes at port property; returns 12

- VISA read, returns the command string only, 7 bytes


why can't I read the full buffer ?

To be honest, I thought this would just work with a trivial serial program: configure-write-read. But that always generates an error. I've added the buffer size since doing a bit of research and that makes it error free at least, though it's not in any of the published examples.


I don't think it's a delay issue, since I add plenty of delay when I'm debuging, and I have tried putting delays before the read. The fact that the byte count in the buffer is 12 seems to indicate my response is there somewhere...

I've also tried a second read but it doesn't return anything.




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Message 1 of 4
Accepted by topic author RichLamb

Just disable the termination char.

That is the reason you only get one line.


Or do a second read at the end.

Message 2 of 4

Hi Lamb,

maybe you enabled the termination character. And in your example the "\r\n"  are on position 6 and 7.



Message 3 of 4

Yeah, you guys are correct, and it seems so obvious now! That termination char is effectively being "recycled" since the command is being echoed.

Disabling the termination char fixes it. I also have the option of disabling the echo from the device...


thanks for the help

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Message 4 of 4