05-05-2021 03:43 PM
Hello all,
I'm still quite new to labview so forgive me if this is a dumb question. The scenario I have here is I have two pulse controllers, and I want them to work in a primary and replica relationship. The primary sends a signal when it goes on to tell the replica to go off, and the replica turns on at the end of the off time, and I was able to map this using a digital oscilloscope. Basically I want to simulate what's happening on the oscilloscope screen in labview. So one may be pulsing on for 300ms and off for 100ms and while that one is on for 300ms the other is off for 100ms, or maybe there's a gap so a purge gas can run through so it's 330ms off and 30ms on. I have this part of the programming working, but I want to be able to show the user what their pulses will look like so that they can visualize when gas A will be on and pulsing and when gas B will be on and pulsing. I tried using the square waveform function generator and waveform graph and using my timing inputs to make the calculations into frequency and phase duty, but because this uses real time it won't show the user what would happen if they chose settings, it only shows what they inputted in real time so the line on the waveform graph is either at the set amplitude or at zero and doesn't track over time.
I have attached a picture that shows the oscilloscope in the foreground and the replica pulse driver in the background with the time settings mentioned above. The yellow lines in the picture are the primary and the purple are the replica. My apologies if this is confusing, I was attempting to explain thoroughly but may have just confused everyone but I would really appreciate any help that anyone could offer.
05-05-2021 03:57 PM - edited 05-05-2021 03:59 PM
Something like this? It's hard to tell what you actually are looking for, but it may be that you can tweak the numbers to get it how you want:
VI attached in 2018 for you to try. If you have an earlier edition, let me know.
05-05-2021 04:40 PM
This looks very close but I am operating in 2017 so I can't tell for sure. If you can upload one in that version I can tweak it and see if it's what I'm looking for.
05-05-2021 07:16 PM
OK, here's a 2017 version.
05-06-2021 12:18 PM
So I attempted it using my controls from my VI and still cannot get it to plot over time. I also need to find a way so that all parts of what makes it line up the off and on in the way yours does comes from the inputs. I extracted the code and the controls from the main VI, and was hoping this would give you a better idea of what I'm looking for. Ideally, when used in this way it would mimic the way the oscilloscope looks so that the user would have a visual representation of how their pulses would function. Hopefully this helps clear things up and you can possibly provide some help from here. Thank you for your help.