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Simply, using NI 9265 with DAQmx in Labview.


I have a NI 9265 plugged on a NI cDAQ-9174, labview 2010 and DAQmx 9.3. I simply would like to set an output voltage out of the 9265 to command a linear motor ... but I can't find how do I do that ! I thought that I could use DAQ assistant, but when I do "generate signal -> analog output -> voltage", it tells me that no supported devices were found even though everything is correctly plugged. And I don't find any help on internet. Could you help me with that ?


Thanks a lot !


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Message 1 of 6

The reason that the NI 9265 won't show up for these examples is that it is a current output module.  For this module, you'll have to define the output in terms of current, not voltage.  Try the examples in Hardware Input and Output » DAQmx » Analog Generation » Current » Gen 0-20mA Current or choose Generate Signals » Analog Output » Current in the DAQ Assistant. 

Seth B.
Principal Test Engineer | National Instruments
Certified LabVIEW Architect
Certified TestStand Architect
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Message 2 of 6

Thanks for your quick reply.

The reason I was trying to set a voltage is because I was sold this component (the 9265) by a NI engineer in order to control a simple motor. But I think something got wrong : why a current source would help to control a 12V motor ?


Anyway, I'm going to check those examples, and contact this engineer ...


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Message 3 of 6

When I try generating the signal (using the steps mentioned above) it only shows me how to generate a wave. I could not see how to generate a set dc current with X value. Can someonen please assist me ? (I'm a bit new to Labview and NI systems).




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Message 4 of 6

None of what you said has to do with the 5 year old thread you bumped.  It's more helpfup to create your own thread.


We can assume you're using the same cDAQ and C-Series module.  But, we don't know you're using the 9265.  Create a thread.  Tell us what hardware you have.  Show us what you've tried so far.


Short answer, the examples feed a varying value into the output creating waves.  If you want to create a DC value, just send the same value each time.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

can any of you tell me how to use 9265 with daq assistant in labview . Please help me in making program so that i can get current output from daq in between 10-15mA

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Message 6 of 6