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Share Your Best LabVIEW Moments

  • Are you a passionate LabVIEW developer?
  • Do you have a creative talent?
  • Do you want to share?

If so, we would love to experience your best LabVIEW moment. This could be about the first time that you really saw the light of what LabVIEW was capable of, a story of how your favorite LabVIEW function saved your day, or maybe you just want to share an ode to LabVIEW like these people have already done:

LabVIEW Wizard - Joe Janiwesky
Write in G - Christopher Relf

Submit your best LabVIEW moment in any format - text, image, song, or video. (If your file is larger than the limit of 5 MB, then please provide a link instead of the actual file).
- Philip Courtois, Thinkbot Solutions

Thinkbot Solutions
Message 1 of 4
here is a pretty fun program i wrote a while ago it is a mandelbrot viewer.
the reason that i like it so much is that it only took me a little bit to do all of it (a couple of weeks)
Message 2 of 4
One of my favorite LabVIEW moments was when I started experimenting with the 3D graph tools. Ultimately I was able to come up with a very nice way to visualize grating diffraction using a 3D graph. After that I tried to see what other uses I could come up with for the 3D graph. My favorite was a 3D sunclock. I found some nice texture maps of the Earth at day and night. I tried mapping these textures over a sphere and was able to get a globe. Then I added the sun and some other features. I was never able to get the colors quite right, and it was very slow, but a fun little program to work on. The web site where the maps were hosted is gone now; I will post the maps I used if anybody is intereseted.
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Message 3 of 4
I recorded two songs with LabVIEW as the subject (I have a third one. Someday I'll record it.) I mentioned that in this Breakpoint message.

I recorded them to test my recording studio equipment... you know... test... LabVIEW. It just make sense.

You can hear them here:

Message 4 of 4