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Several problems with LV NXG Web Module - Hyperlink, Listbox, Sting Indicator & Data Grid


I'm currently building a web UI with LabView NXG 4.0 and the Web module 4.0. Even if it's a very simple UI I'm currently running into several problems.


(detailed description below)


  1. Hyperlink Control - no "on click" Event
  2. Listbox & String Indicator - no "add row at the beginning/ end" function, no "select last row" function
  3. Data Grid
    1. When set to "indicator" data in the grid view can still be edited in browser
    2. No "add row at the beginning/ end" function
    3. No "select last row" function

Hyperlink Control


I'm using several Top-level VI's in my project and switching between them with the Hyperlink Control like shown in the WebVI examples by NI. To guarantee a proper "exit" of a top level VI I need some kind of "on-click" event for the Hyperlink Control to do some close and clean-up stuff. Right now there is only the "data changed" event which is not doing anything for me when simply clicking the hyperlink.


Is there something I'm missing or is it simply missing right now?


Listbox & String Indicator


I'm trying to use a simple String Indicator to show a dynamically updated event log. Right now there is no way I can find to add a single row to the end of the string indicator without writing it's whole data again. As you can imagine this is fine for a few entries but not for a log with several hundreds of lines. But even worse is the fact that there seems to be no obvious way to jump to the last row like you would expect it from a "log view". So all you can do is shown all data in reverse logic which is a no go for me.


Same for the Listbox, I can't add a single entry and/ or jump to the last row of the Listbox (just the view, not the active selection).


Data Grid


As for the Listbox and the String Indicator there's also no way to add a single row or jump to the last line for the Data Grid. Unfortunately there is one more even bigger problem for me right now. If you set the Data Grid as an indicator you can still edit all data of it in the browser. I really like the possibility of sorting and grouping data especially when used as a log view but without being able to prevent data from getting changed, there is no way I will can use this control right now.


Maybe someone got a nice workaround for some of my problems or can show me the intended way if I did not saw it. Otherwise I would really like to get some feedback from NI if these are known problems or if they are already fixed in the upcoming version 5.0.

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Message 1 of 3

I had asked about a "panel close" type of event in a webVI.  I was told it didn't exist, but that it's possible to detect via javascript:


Message 2 of 3

Some simple polling every x ms also came to my mind, shouldn't be too difficult to adapt my program accordingly. So thanks for this 👍

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