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Send event in google calendar (agenda)

Hi Everyone.


I would like to programaticaly send apointements in a google calendar using labview.

I've almost no idea from where to start...


I found this but I haven't the prerequisite knowledge in web programming for this to be helpfull...


If some of you have some tips and or example to share, I would be very gratefull to here them.


Have a nice day





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Message 1 of 7

Hi folks,


Looks like my subjet is not whiping a crowd into a frenzy Smiley Sad

Little UP after one week, just in case...


Even a few clues from where to start could be helpfullSmiley Happy


Thanks in advance




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Message 2 of 7

I had looking into this a few months ago, but ended up going a different route.  Here is the vi I was writting to give you a head start.  The e-mail send vi is based on one I found elsewhere in the forums modified for calendar attachments.  You'll have to programatically create the attachment for e-mailing.


If I remember correctley, the file is an .ics extension.   There is plenty you can find online about how to create a file for a specific date/time, whether to include an alarm, etc.


I've also attached the vi I was working on to generate event attachment files (needs some work).

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Message 3 of 7

Hi pjr1121, 


Many thanks for your help, it's very kind.

I'll look at your work in detail later today.

If I manage to get something up an running I will send it here of course.


Have a nice day





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Message 4 of 7

Your job sounds very interesting. Could you attach the examples for labview 8? I cannot open them.

many thanks


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Message 5 of 7

Hey Antoine,


I am looking at this moment for exactly the same implemention !!

Whats your progress/solution on this? Anybody else ??


I would like to add a google calender event on a specific agenda.

I used already the "calendar.event.insert" with the Google APIs Explorer, and it works ... but how to do it in LabVIEW.


Thanks, Rik

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Message 6 of 7

Hi, I look for same thing. Maybe you find something and can help me?

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Message 7 of 7