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Robot Move Algorithm

I'm trying to program a LEGO Mindstorm NXT robot to go to a particular point on a grid/testbed... sounds easy, I'd imagine? Only it's not The robot is aware of it's location in terms of X, Y and Heading Theta information relating to it's current location, and is aware of the desired X, Y and Theta for it's goal... I was hoping to implement some form of continuous control algorithm on the robot such that it automatically move(s) to it's new goal without the need for discrete steps e.g. so it doesn't have to figure out where new location is relative to current, turn to the location, drive straight to that point, rotate until it's facing the new desired heading, etc. Rather some sort of feedback control algorithm implementation? I'm sure this is pretty basic and apologies if so, just need to get a starting point on implementing it in LabVIEW/NXT... so even an algorithm that I can use as a starting point would be of use.



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Message 1 of 2

Your question is very open ended.... I personally need some more info.

What do you mean by  "The robot is aware of it's location in terms of X, Y and Heading Theta"?

Is it getting this from an external nav system, or do you just mean it keeps track of where it "thinks" it is.

Is there an onboard compass? what about a gyro?

How is steering implemented (tank, differential, ackerman, omni?)

If a computer is involved, most "Automatic movements" ARE a sequence of small "Discrete Steps" even if they seem continous.

Do you mean you want an algorithm to respond only to instantanious feedback, rather than some form of path planning?

The two "alternative" methods you are describing [ (a) so it doesn't have to figure out where new location is relative to current, turn to the location, drive straight to that point, rotate until it's facing the new desired heading, Rather (B) some sort of feedback control algorithm implementation?) ] seem identical to me, just with a different update rate.

Why do you have a preference?  is it appearance, accuracy, ease of implementation, or some other ?

Get a life? This IS my life!
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