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Rising Edge on AO Start

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I'm using a PXI 6251 Daq card.


On this one, I'm generate on analog output a finite signal.


I would like to initiate a rising edge on PXIx terminal when the Output analog task is realy run.


In fact i would like to provoq an output trigger when the analog task is start.


Is it possible ?


Thanks for reply.






Je dispose d'une carte PXI 6251


Sur celle-ci je génére un signal Analogique Finit.


Je souhaite provoquer un front montant sur une sortie PFIX quand la tache de génération à démarrer. Puis que cette sortie tombe à 0 quand la tache est stopée....


Est-ce possible ?


Merci pour vos réponses.



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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author __KB__

Hello __KB__,


I think you should start from this example :


Then, you'll have to adapt it in order to define a pattern which generates a high level as soon as the analog task starts and which generates a low level at the end of the finite acquisition.


In order to know which digital line matches with your PFI line, you will have to look at the documentation of the PXI 6251 (, page 14). You can also get the information from MAX.



Jérémy C.
NI France

Message 2 of 3

Hi Jeremy C.


Thanks to have take time for reply.


It is exacty what I Search.


Best regards

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Message 3 of 3