06-10-2016 05:49 PM
It is possible to manipulate a RC Car to run on LabVIEW? Are there any toys that can run on LabView Besides Lego Robots?
06-11-2016 09:51 AM
You posted your message to the FPGA Idea Exchange which is for suggesting new ideas and improvements to the FPGA module.
You have an ordinary question about either LabVIEW, which belongs in the LabVIEW forum
or FRC which belongs in the LabVIEW for LEGO MINDSTORMS and LabVIEW for Education forum.
I'll ask moderator to have your message moved.
06-13-2016 11:55 AM
Not directly, but you can create an interface between your PC running LabVIEW and the remote controller of the car, or the car's electromotors/servos.
Did you try to search the internet? There are lots of examples...
And this is funny with a real car: