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Problems graphing FFT of sine wave with Waveform Graph

I know that this type of question has been posted many times, so I apologize for posting a similar one. Unfortunately, after reading quite a few threads I still have a question or two.

Basically, I need to use a Waveform Graph (not an XY graph) to graph the magnitude of an FFT of a sine wave. I can't figure out which VI I should be using to obtain the magnitude of the FFT. I think I'm using the proper FFT vi (just the regular, but I can't find a VI dedicated to magnitude. Of course, I could be misinterpreting the pseudocode which I am following.

If you wouldn't mind taking a gander at my VI, I'd appreciate any input you might have. The pseudocode is contained in the block diagram.
You can see that I have another graph for just the sine wave, and I think that works as it should. I'm primarily concered about the waveform graph which isn't currently connected to anything, but should eventually be hooked up to the FFT.

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Message 1 of 2
Your problem is that the output of the FFT is an array of complex numbers. Take the magnitude and you will be able to plot it.
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Message 2 of 2