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Problem with interfacing CANcaseXL with Labview

hi all


I am currently trying to interface CANcaseXL with Labview 8.6 by using the CAN options available in Labview pallette (please see 'can problem.jpg' attached below). However I am not very much familier with the usage of these vis and the fact that the help option for these is disabled somehow(pls see 'can problem2.jpg') I am not able to locate where and what these Vi's come from.


If somebody has any idea about the usage of these VI's or any other posiible way to achieve wat i want, pls reply.





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Message 1 of 4

Hello Mr. Abhishek ,
what you taking about is a Vector device driver for Vector CancaseXL hardware. 
You have to look on the Vector home page for more information.
Please see the Link below.
I have attached a document with informaton. 
Best regards


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Message 2 of 4



Actually i want to build a vi to handle this case without using the vector pre built drivers...that is why i am trying with the vis shown in the image i attached with the previoius post.


It would be very helpful is somebody could help me with them or any other method without the drivers.


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Message 3 of 4

I realise this thread is quite old but anyone searching may be interested to know...


There is now a reasonably complete wrapper library for the vxlapi.dll uploaded to the NI Developer Community.

You may wish to have a look at it if you're developing for the Vector XL hardware.

Troy - CLD "If a hammer is the only tool you have, everything starts to look like a nail." ~ Maslow/Kaplan - Law of the instrument
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