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Problem with a Debian installation

Hi to everybody,
I use a Debian ETCH distro and I know that this distro is not supported (or better is not an offical version supported).
But is about one year that I use Debianb and I prefer to do not change...
I try to Install directly by cd, but I have no permission (even if by "SU"). Searching in this forum I found that I have to copy to HD and then try to Install, but the installation is aborting with this message:

NOTE: LabVIEW will install by default in /usr/local/natinst/LabVIEW-8.2,
or in the natinst/LabVIEW-8.2 subdirectory if you specify an alternate location.

Preparing for installation...
C runtime library (glibc) version: 2.6.1.
Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) version: 4.4.1.
Please indicate whether you would like to install the following components:

labview82-rte: LabVIEW Run-Time Engine
[Ynasq?] y
ylabview-rte-aal: LabVIEW Run-Time Advanced Analysis Support
ylabview82-core: LabVIEW Application and VI Library
ylabview82-examples: LabVIEW VI Examples
labview82-help: LabVIEW On-line Reference Manual
[Ynasq?] y
labview82-ref: LabVIEW Manuals in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format
[Ynasq?] y
labview82-vxi: LabVIEW NI-VXI Support
[Ynasq?] y
labview82-desktop: LabVIEW KDE and GNOME desktop support
[Ynasq?] y
labview82-appbuild: LabVIEW Run-Time Application Builder
[Ynasq?] y
labview82-pro: LabVIEW Professional Developers Tools
[Ynasq?] y

Auto-selecting dependency niwebpipeline20_dep-2.0-5.i586.rpm

The following components will be installed using rpm:

LabVIEW Run-Time Engine                             38471 kB
LabVIEW Run-Time Advanced Analysis Support          20607 kB
LabVIEW Application and VI Library                  404879 kB
LabVIEW VI Examples                                 40228 kB
LabVIEW On-line Reference Manual                    65388 kB
LabVIEW Manuals in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format      3201 kB
LabVIEW NI-VXI Support                              4483 kB
LabVIEW KDE and GNOME desktop support               61 kB
LabVIEW Run-Time Application Builder                62359 kB
LabVIEW Professional Developers Tools               8889 kB
NI Web Pipeline dependency libraries                5432 kB

Total space required: 653998 kB
Space available:      20430744 kB

Proceed? [Ynq] y
error: Failed dependencies:
        /bin/sh is needed by labview82-rte-8.2.1-1.i386
error: Failed dependencies:
        /bin/sh is needed by labview-rte-aal-1.1-1.i386
error: Failed dependencies:
        /bin/sh is needed by niwebpipeline20_dep-2.0-5.i586 is needed by niwebpipeline20_dep-2.0-5.i586 is needed by niwebpipeline20_dep-2.0-5.i586 is needed by niwebpipeline20_dep-2.0-5.i586 is needed by niwebpipeline20_dep-2.0-5.i586 is needed by niwebpipeline20_dep-2.0-5.i586 is needed by niwebpipeline20_dep-2.0-5.i586 is needed by niwebpipeline20_dep-2.0-5.i586 is needed by niwebpipeline20_dep-2.0-5.i586 is needed by niwebpipeline20_dep-2.0-5.i586 is needed by niwebpipeline20_dep-2.0-5.i586 is needed by niwebpipeline20_dep-2.0-5.i586 is needed by niwebpipeline20_dep-2.0-5.i586 is needed by niwebpipeline20_dep-2.0-5.i586 is needed by niwebpipeline20_dep-2.0-5.i586 is needed by niwebpipeline20_dep-2.0-5.i586 is needed by niwebpipeline20_dep-2.0-5.i586 is needed by niwebpipeline20_dep-2.0-5.i586 is needed by niwebpipeline20_dep-2.0-5.i586
error: Failed dependencies:
        labview82-rte is needed by labview82-core-8.2.1-1.i386
        /bin/sh is needed by labview82-core-8.2.1-1.i386
        /bin/sh is needed by labview82-desktop-8.2.1-1.i386

*** ERROR installing packages.
Check that you have enough disk space and that the target filesystem
is writable.

Obviously that I have free space on disk... (also the cheking routine find Total space required: 653998 kB; Space available: 20430744 kB)

And now... what I have to do?

Best Regards...

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 9

Hi DH,

unfortunately LabVIEW IDE is not supported under Debian Distro (as you also mentioned above). For this reason there might several problems arising when installing the labVIEW package on such Distributions, and I could not give you the right explanation for these kind of issues.

The Linux distributions supported by National Instruments Hardware and Softwares are the ones posted here:

What Linux Distributions Do National Instruments Drivers and Software Support?  

For these distro's I surely can help you better.

Best regards,


Fabio M.
Principal Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9
Dear Fabio, I know that Debian is not a supported DIstro... but I have this one and so I have to resolve my problems...
But, till now I am able to install LabView, but I have a problem. Following this pocedure

***Install LABVIEW 8.0 on UBUNTU 6.10***
Download and install ALIEN
Download and install libdb1-compat
Copy the labview packages rpm
alien -k NAME.rmp (sometimes with option --scripts)
dpkg -i NAME.deb
aptitude install libosmesa6
ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
(example) ./usr/local/natinst/LabVIEW-8.0/labview &

I have Debian etch and I have a license for LabView 8.2, and I have a problem with the packages "labview82-core"

alien -k --scripts labview82-core_8.2.1-1_i386.rpm
dpkg -i labview82-core_8.2.1-1_i386.deb
Selezionato il pacchetto labview82-core, che non lo era.
(Lettura del database ... 182933 file e directory attualmente installati.)
Spacchetto labview82-core (da labview82-core_8.2.1-1_i386.deb) ...
Configuro labview82-core (8.2.1-1) ...
sort: Warning: "+number" syntax is deprecated, please use "-k number"

what is this problem? how I can resolve?

Thanks in advance

Dariush Hampai
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9
Dariush Hampai,

I am fairly new to Linux and I have begun to look into what it would take to install LabVIEW on my laptop that runs Slackware 12.0.  Slackware and Debian are very similar and I think that I can help you a bit with what you are seeing.  Keep in mind that I have not successfully installed LabVIEW on either distro.

To begin with, you should go through the error list and make sure that you have installed all of the missing dependencies.  It looks to be the following:

        /bin/sh through 2.3) and 2.1) and 2.1)

Once you have these dependencies fulfilled, the LabVIEW RTE should install which is a dependency for LabVIEW core.

I would start with /bin/sh in case the LabVIEW installer would use it for installing some of the other libraries itself (it looks like GLIBC could be one of those).  Then re-run the installer.  If you already have GLIBC installed, you might need to make some aliases for the necessary previous versions.

If you play with it and have any success, please write back and tell us what works.  I am interested in the answers myself.

Hope that this helps,
Bob Young

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9
Dear Bob,
I'm sorry, but I am not so expert in Linux, so can you explain me better?
where can I see the "missing dependencies"?
where can I do these
        /bin/sh through 2.3) and 2.1) and 2.1)

I think that I have not the GLIBC... where can I find it (in my repository I found only glibc-doc and glibc-doc-reference )
and finally, where I can find the LabView RTE? (my licence is an Academic for Labs and Research one)

Thank You in advance
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9
I was looking on Google for an answer (I don't have one myself).  I came up with this link that was promissing:

As for the missing dependencies, it's obvious you'll need to install libstdc++5 and 6 first.

I don't know where to get the library, but take a look on Google and you'll find them.  Look for instructions with apt-get, not .rpm.  It looks like Debian is a system that .rpm files will not work on natively.  You need to use alien (that I have never heard of before) to get them to work with Debian. 

sudo alien --to-deb *.rpm
sudo alien --to-deb *.rpmsudo rm *.rpm
sudo alien --to-rpm *.deb

It might clear all of the dependency issues except the /bin/sh one.  That may be cleared by the last response.

ln -s /usr/bin/rpm /bin/rpm

I sure hope that this helps because I'm going to be trying this in November.
Bob Young

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 9
Dear Bob,
I think that you did not read my previous posts...

***Install LABVIEW 8.0 on UBUNTU 6.10***
Download and install ALIEN
Download and install libdb1-compat
Copy the labview packages rpm
alien -k NAME.rmp (sometimes with option --scripts)
dpkg -i NAME.deb
aptitude install libosmesa6
ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
(example) ./usr/local/natinst/LabVIEW-8.0/labview &

and as you can see, I use alien procedure...

Second: you said that "
you should go through the error list and make sure that you have installed all of the missing dependencies."... but as you can see I have not any error list! Where can I find it?
What I want to say is that I do not use the installer... I simpli install with the "dpkg" command after each transformation by rpm file ti deb file...

Maybe in the Install file there is something that I miss installing one by one package by hand?
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 9
Hi Dariush, This Debian page shows your where the files are located on your system.

This note describes some of the issues that you are seeing. It is dated 1998 so as you can see this is an on-going problem with Linux.

Your Debian Etch does run on glibc 2.3.6. If this version of glibc does not provide the backwards compatibility for proper operation of LabVIEW then you will probably have to install the LabVIEW program on a different machine that has a supported version of Linux. I myself have about five computers, in my home, just for this purpose. It is the easiest way to deal with this problem.

Please be careful with your Debian Etch configuration. I suggest using only the Debian package manager to make changes to your system configuration.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 9

I keep looking at your original post and I have finally realized that you are now way beyond that - those problems are fixed and new ones are being found.   If I finally understand correctly, you only have this remaining problem:

Configuro labview82-core (8.2.1-1) ...
sort: Warning: "+number" syntax is deprecated, please use "-k number"

There is a thread on the message boards that comes up when I searched for this warning on Google:
It helps out with the installation of VISA that give this error.  Maybe it will be helpful for you.

I also found the following Debian bug report:
So, it looks like there are some things in Debian that will lead to this error as well.

Hope that this helps,
Bob Young

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 9