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Problem with SPI : Can only read data from slave once, after slave is powered up.

Hi guys, I am endeavoring to read data from the Sirius PMIC, CS5463.


I am using an USB-6009 to act as the Master.


I know this is not the best device for this (according to a previous post on this forum), but I do have some success in reading data off the chip....


The chip is measuring 230V, and when I issue a "Start Convection" command, I do read back something around 230.


The problem is that I can only do this once after the IC is powered up. After this, further attempts to read data returns only 0.


Can any body shed some light on this issue?


(I will post the waveform on the CS, SDI and SDO pins tomorrow)


Thanks in advance !!




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HI guys, just realized that I was actually able to constantly read the content of the status register....


So this is really an issue of the chip not giving out instatenouse voltage readings after power-up.


Apologies for the mis-leading question before, and I guess this is really a question that should be posted on Sirrus.


Hey, but if anybody has a clue why the IC is only giving out instataneous voltage reading once after power up, still highly appreciated!



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