05-05-2008 10:09 PM
05-06-2008 02:33 PM
It seems that you have the Modulation Toolkit and they are a couple of examples that already show how to simulate the PSK modulation and they also show the constellation. Take a look at the functions used in: “MT Shifted PSK demodulation.vi” and “MT PSK BER vs EbN0 graph [Reed-Solomon coding].vi” and let me know if they help.
Also as further reference you can take a look at these tutorials and knowledge bases: Digital Modulation Fundamentals, Modulation Toolkit Shipping Examples and OQPSK.
05-06-2008 08:24 PM
Thanks for your reply. But those link u have attached i had look into it before. But it is not what i want, actually my exercise is download from NI tutorial. But it only runs Constellation Diagram but i need modulation too..My project supervisor mentioned she need modulation instead demodulation. I have downloaded the hardware exercise of Phase Shift Keying modulation for reference but the equipment or VIs needed i did not have. That's why i trying to modify the exercise instead to show modulation and constellation diagram.
05-07-2008 10:44 AM
05-07-2008 08:00 PM - edited 05-07-2008 08:02 PM
05-07-2008 08:08 PM
05-08-2008 02:59 PM - edited 05-08-2008 03:00 PM
Here is a copy of you attached exercise. The problem is that I created the example in LabVIEW 8.5 not 8.2.1. Attach is a screenshot of what you should be doing in case the same attach code in 8.2 does not opens.
05-08-2008 08:04 PM
I want to ask, when i installed the modulation toolkit what should i click and the instruction for installing the toolkit? It is because when i click on LabView 8.2 features it cant installed, when i click uninstall one of the version it will then switch to the next window to continue. Is this the way to install the toolkit which means that user have to select one features to delete then it will start to install others and deleting the features user selected sitmultaneously? Actually i cant even open my own exercises for now. Many VIs have disappear for example PN order (MT Generate Bits poly).vi, MT generate system parameters.vi and etc.Does these vis belong to modulation toolkit? The previous message u mention that if i can run the PSK modulation from the tutorial means that i already have the toolkit is that true? It is because my supervisor mention i dont have that's why she ask me to download again and i dont know why many errors occurred now.
05-09-2008 10:39 AM
Just remember that the Modulation Toolkit is not a free tutorial. It is a tool kit you have to purchase to enhance LabVIEW capabilities. It sound like you use to have it or did have it. “NI Modulation Toolkit”. I do not know what have you done but it seems the issue you are running to can be fix by uninstalling, the Modulation Toolkit and reinstalling it again. If you can open LabVIEW and search on your functions palette modulation functions then the toolkit is installed.
I took a look at your other discussion forum, the one answered by ChrisD, I really don’t know where have you lost track of you programs. The version you have of LabVIEW should match the modulation toolkit support when you install it. If you want to take the time you can reinstall LabVIEW and the install the toolkit. What versions of LabVIEW do you have?
I hope it helps
05-11-2008 10:36 PM
Thanks for replying i have solved the problems i had seek help from my supervisor she said there are maybe some error occurred when i installed again at the very 1st time. Because we have no idea the modulation toolkit was already installed. I have uninstalled all the software and reinstalled again. Now LabVIEW function normally.