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Obtaining a list of used events

I don't have multiple event structures in 1 loop, I have multiple event structures in multiple loops (one structure per loop).  Does that make things any better?
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Message 11 of 13

It's legal and perhaps OK to use multiple loops with an event structure in each. You just have to be careful or you will lock yourself out. I've attached two 7.1 examples of how to do this (a parallel loop example and a sequential loop example).

There are numerous ways to avoid the problems. For example, when stopping a loop, you could disable the controls associated with the event structure located within that loop. Perhaps in your application, there is something that makes it such that the problematic push will not occur (such as changing tabs on a tab control). If you play with the examples and understand why they can "lock" up, then you understand enough to successfully create a VI with multiple loops containing event structures.



0 Kudos
Message 12 of 13
Those are good examples of how to lockup the front panel.  My VI isn't written that way, so I'll continue to use my multiple event structures.
0 Kudos
Message 13 of 13