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OPC: Data socket vs. DSC

Dear all,

I am working on an OPC project and my main question is whether i should use data sockets or the DSC functionality. I have some pros & cons for each and I'd like to know what your experience is / was. what do you think?

My OPC server provides about 60 independant variables (w/r, bools, ints & reals), and it is not about speed (update time ~100 ms).


for me,

pro Datasocket:

- works easy & straight forward

- adds 4 Attributes, for 3 i dont know what to do with them

- i can imagine in my mind how the big labview program looks with it


con Data Socket:

- does not throw an error on connection breakdown (i unplug the ethernet cable). however, the quality attribute could be used for this

- i might miss additional DSC functionality, but i am not yet aware of it


pro DSC:

- available

- throws proper errors


con DSC:

-seems difficult to google examples and other help

-I actually dont know what it can and why it might be beneficial over Data Soccket, despite what i read in general articles about it (

-seems to me like a big effort to learn & implement

- i had unknown errors in the previous project version with the shared variables involved

- problems with empty / full buffers, depending on loop wait time (errors 180121602, -195067898, -1950678982



all in all i currently prefer the Data socket thing, mainly because i feel like in control of it when programming.

Do you have suggestions? Any Ideas on how to improve in terms of buffer issues?

Thank you very much!

 OPC labview.PNG

opc cable unplugged.PNG

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