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Ni-MAX 1394 Camera Snap Makes WIN10 go BlueScreen

Hello! I hope everybody is having a good day,

I'm trying to update a computer from Windows 7 to Windows 10 and with that, move a program I use in LabVIEW. This program do some Tests using a camera, the camera that I use is a 1394 (Specifically a SONY DFW-SX900) and I use a PCI FireWIre, first I tried to use LabVIEW 2021 with its vision drivers (NiMaq, Nimaqdx, Nimaq I/O) all 21 as well, checking, this version no longer supports 1394 cameras, so I downgraded to LabVIEW 2019, checking on the NI-MAX everything was looking good: 


The problem was that when I tried to SNAP to test the camera, everything freeze and I got a Blue screen, This happens always I do SNAP, If you could aid me, I would appreciate it a LOT!!

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