I've started a
new blog.:
http://vishots.comOf course there will be some LabVIEW related topics there but honestly I still haven't nailed down what I'll talk about. It's a work in progress and it currently seems to be geared towards robotics, however that may change. It's mainly technology related stuff I'm personally interested in. It will be a mixture of video and text posts so I suggest you subscribe to the
site RSS to get both.
Video Only:
Blip.tv Channel (high quality):
http://vishots.blip.tvYouTube Channel (low quality):
http://youtube.com/vishots iTunes Podcast:
http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=267750985Video & Text:Full RSS (whenever asked, always use this URL, works with all RSS readers):
http://feeds.feedburner.com/vishotsIt's also available on
miro and other video feed locations. Just do a search for
VI Shots on your favorite site. I won't list them all here.
Sorry for this little bit of spam, you can now return to your regularly scheduled programming...