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Need simple example for writing to Excel

I appreciate your time and help,but I still can not downlloado it.
please send to my email : 
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Message 11 of 47

Gonna bring this thread back from the recently deceased...hey, it's Halloween!

Having trouble writing to an excel file while trying to work your examples into my code.  In my code, I have my spreadsheet writing to a refnum.  (Previously, I was writing to a txt file.  Now I'm trying to do the same thing, just converting the txt file into a spreadsheet so I can use certain cells for certain chunks of data.)   When I wire my refnum into the reference input of the Invoke Node tool, it tells me I'm wiring a "byte stream file reference" into a "automation reference of class".  I've tried all sorts of conversions, but it seems like no matter what I do, my input type does not match the expected input.  File type, pathnum, reference, refnum, automation reference.....ARRGGHHH!  Doesn't matter what I use, it's always wrong!!

I've included the chunk of code where I'm trying to write a value to cell C3 in my spreadsheet.  How do I get my input refnum to match what the Invoke Node tool is expecting??

Amateur programmer for over 10 years!
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Message 12 of 47


Can you show me how you make this refnum. Open Excel, open workbook... and so on.

Besides that the property node Value is now Value2 on my PC

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 47

Here's where the file (and refnum) is originally created.  It was originally a txt file and I'm in the process of changing it to an xls spreadsheet, so it looks a little goofy for now.  I want to get it working as a spreadsheet before I start cleaning things up.


Ahhhh, who am I kidding?  When do you ever really get time to go back and clean up a program?

Amateur programmer for over 10 years!
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Message 14 of 47

I was afraid of that, you have to do much then just open a file. See the in reply 10. One of the VI opens a spreadsheet file with ActiveX

Let me know if this helps

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 47

Still doesn't work.  Some quick info - my program is a big stacked sequence, that bounces from case to case depending on test conditions.  In one of my initial cases, I create the spreadsheet.  Rather than continuously opening and closing that spreadsheet in every case, I have created a shift register of the refnum of the file.  I'm trying to use that refnum shift register in another part of the stacked sequence.  It used to work fine with a text file. 

But now when I wire that refnum shift register to the Invoke Node tool, it tells me I'm wiring a "byte stream reference" to a "automation reference of class" input.  I'd like to use the refnum shift register rather than keep reopening the same spreadhseet in each case.

Amateur programmer for over 10 years!
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Message 16 of 47
The problem is you are trying to write directly to excel. The only way you can do this is with Active X refum not a file refnum. But what you could is build a vi that accepts this refnum. Then inside this vi there would the read from file vi. This vi will accept the file refnum. Then wire the ouput of this vi to the excel vi's that I posted. This is the only way it can be done. (well maybe not) but you cannot use a file refnum with automation open, Try the way that I said and post the vi you create if it does not work. This way you will never close the file refnum you only open and close the Acive X refnum.

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Message 17 of 47
That's what I've been working on - something that takes a refnum of a spreadsheet file and converts it into Active X refnum that the Invoke Node tool will accept.  Haven't succeeded yet, so if anyone has any ideas, please post!!!  Until then, I'll keep chugging away at it!
Amateur programmer for over 10 years!
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Message 18 of 47


@Spaceman spif wrote:
That's what I've been working on - something that takes a refnum of a spreadsheet file and converts it into Active X refnum that the Invoke Node tool will accept.  Haven't succeeded yet, so if anyone has any ideas, please post!!!  Until then, I'll keep chugging away at it!

You cannot convert a spreadsheet file refnum to an Active X refnum it will not work. Are you having trouble using/ getting an Active X refnum for an excel spreadsheet.

0 Kudos
Message 19 of 47

Should I route the File Path into the shift register instead of the refnum?  Would that work?

Yes, I can't seem to create an ActiveX refnum of the spreadsheet.

Amateur programmer for over 10 years!
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Message 20 of 47