01-14-2011 05:09 PM
We recently purchased a new testing equipment from Nexjen. The URL for the equipment is <http://www.nexjen.com/Home/NexjenVISNRFID/tabid/206/Default.aspx>. The problem is that when I ever I want to save the measured responses it saves it in a .iqx file. I was wondering if you guys know how to convert that file into text file with the correct values in it. I attahed a sample file with this message. thank you in advance for your help.
01-15-2011 09:01 PM
NexJen is a competor- Can't say too much.
That said- ask them. They might know a thing or two. (of course I do it differently)
01-20-2011 10:03 AM
Hi Balsaify,
Easiest thing is to look into the source code of the application that you got from Nexjen. There you will see how to load the file in Labview and what the structure of its content is.