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Multi channel data acquision at different freqeuncy

Hi to everyone,

I´m trying to acquire different signals: 

 - 4 Accelerometers at 10 000 Hz connect to NI 9234

 - Current and Voltage signal at 10 000 Hz connect to NI 9215

 - 7 Temperature at 1 Hz connect to NI 9213

All connected to NI cDAQ-9174

for one hour.


I have some problems because even if I have created two loops and used queues to speed up the process, I´m not able to acquire the signals for more than 5 minutes. After that the VI stops due to errors like this one:


"Multi Channel<append>
<B>Property: </B>RelativeTo
<B>Corresponding Value: </B>Current Read Position
<B>Property: </B>Offset
<B>Corresponding Value: </B>0

<B>Task Name: </B>_unnamedTask<B>"


How can I optimize my code to work better?


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Hi Gianpy,


create a DAQmx task for each module. Place each task in its own loop.


The NI9234 uses a different sampling scheme than the NI9215. This might result in slightly different sample rates…

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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