03-26-2020 09:06 AM
I am currently working with the sbRIO9607 card. My program consists in acting as an intermediary between the outside (modbus TCP client) and another program. So I use a modbus TCP server to receive frames from several modbus TCP clients. For that, I used the Nimodbus library. The problem of this one is that my RAM memory increases as time goes by until the program crashes. Do you have any idea why my memory increases over time?
Thank you for your help
03-26-2020 09:12 AM
Opening references and not closing them.
Ever growing arrays.
Attaching your VI would allow us to inspect it and come up with a more specific explanation.
03-26-2020 09:25 AM
I've got the SlaveDemon.vi calling the WaitOnQuery.vi dynamically. Then the WaitOnQuery.vi calls the SlaveCommunication.vi which processes the frame by receiving, translating and responding.
I provide you with these 3 vi
thank you for your help