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Missing SubVIs when generating exe

When I open my project file, Labview searches for a bunch of VIs and then opens.  I have bee developing like this since I took over the code a couple of weeks ago.  I am able to run the program with no problems.  Now I want to generate an executable and/or installer with Labview 9 and it tells me that it is missing VIs.  I have edited quite a few built in VIs and I am not sure what VIs the programmer before me has imported.  All I know is that the program works and I have to install it on target machines.  Why won't Labview 9 let me create an exe or installer?  I never had problems with previous versions.


Please help.



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 14
Mass compile the project or save the entire project hierarchy to a new location.  That should pick up the missing VIs if they can be found in the development environment.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 14
The first thing is to write down a list of what VI's it says it is missing.  Then start tracking them down one by one.  When is it saying the VI's are missing, during the build process or after you run the executable that is created?  When you say the previous programmer has imported the VI's, imported them from where?
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 14

I think the last programmer used some openG VIs.  I am not familiar with this but I downloaded  the VIPM and am not too sure on which ones to install.  It appears that there are two different problems.


1.  When I just create an executable from my main VI it works but when I run it it searches for the VIs that are included with LV that I have added and edited.


2. When I try to create a Source Distribution file, this is when it can't find openg VIs.


I read in a forum to try creating a source distribution file.  I tried creating an installer and installing on a target machine but all the files installed were in the .vi format.  I guess I don't know how to create an installer.  Funny, I use to be able to do it no problem with previous versions of LV.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 14

If you provide some of the names of the missing OpenG VI's, people here would be able to help you figure out which packages you need to install.


I believe with a source distribution, it only recreates the directory structure of the files you created.  Since OpenG is basically installed as a package, LV probably considers them equivalent to native LabVIEW VI's.  You will need to install the package on any other PC with the development environment where you want to open up the same project.


To create an installer in LV2009, you do it in a similar manner as you created an .exe or a source distribution.  You would right click on Build Specifications at the bottom of the project, New --> Installer.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 14

OK, I took my work home last night and this morning I am a little clearer about the problem.  I went through my program and picked out all subVIs and placed them all in one folder.  I think the previous programmer had VIs that used openG but my program did not.  So now I have a program that will run in the development environment.  I can make the exe with no errors.  When I run the exe, it comes up with a broken run arrow.  When I click on it, it says it is missing files.


I should mention that I edited quite a few of the report generation toolkit VIs that came with Labview so I could adjust the column width on a table for a printed report.  I mention this because I see that it can't find some of those VIs and am wondering if there is a link.  The errors occur on two seperate machines.  Hope this helps.





0 Kudos
Message 6 of 14

Simpler Error Handler is in vi.lib\Utility\error.llb


Perhaps your .llb was corrupted in some way?  Check that file path and see if the Simpler Error exists in that .llb.


Search and replace is under that same library as well. 


The NI_report VI's are part of the report generation toolkit.  Is that toolkit installed?  Is it corrupted in some way?


I would suggest repairing your LabVIEW installation.



mattyk wrote:

I should mention that I edited quite a few of the report generation toolkit VIs that came with Labview so I could adjust the column width on a table for a printed report.  I mention this because I see that it can't find some of those VIs and am wondering if there is a link.  The errors occur on two separate machines.  Hope this helps.


That is a big problem.  You should never edit any of the VI's that LabVIEW provides.  If you need to modify them, then you should make new copies of them with a different name.  You probably either broke the libraries or somehow damaged the cross-linking between the subVI's.

Message Edited by Ravens Fan on 11-05-2009 11:34 AM
Message 7 of 14
Ravensfan is right on.  It sounds like the original VIs were modified.  Although I am not sure why LabVIEW did not pick up the default locations for the build, if in the development environment, they are found ok.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 14

I have deleted all the instances of the Simple Error and the General Error Handler in my program.  I also rewrote the Generate which looked after the typedef missing file.  I also looked after the Search and Replace  The only missing files are the report generation VIs.  Like I said before, I edited some of these report generation VIs so I could adjust the column widths of a table.  I saved all of them in the origional NI location.  Again, the VI runs fine in the development environment.  The executable can't find these files.  I tried adding them to my project (again).  I tried saving them in my project folder as a directory structure and not as a library structure and then adding them to the project.  I tried rewriting the code, selecting the VIs that were missing right out of the controls menu.  I tried everything I can think of.  Now I am re-installing LV.  I don't think this will work because the LV at work has the edited toolkit (report gen) and at home has the origional.  At home it acts the same way.  The exe does not know where to find these files.  Hope this helps.




0 Kudos
Message 9 of 14
I noticed that the VIs that came from LabJACK had issues with the report generation toolkit when I did a mass compile after upgrading to 2009, but as I was not using them, I did not really care.  I wonder if the issues are related... Anyone know what changed in the report generation toolkit between LV2009 and pre-2009?

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Message 10 of 14