06-24-2022 12:08 PM
Circled in the image is a spinner in MAX which shows after expanding the "Devices and Interfaces" (while MAX is searching). Mine has not spun since the first few launches after the initial installation.
Maybe not a big deal, but wondering whether there is a way to 1) fix it (without complete reinstall of NI products or wiping my system) and 2) whether this behavior is indicative of a bigger issue.
"10 kinds of people,
only one knows binary.
Flash! and now is not."
06-24-2022 02:23 PM
If you open up the tree using the down arrow, keeping Devices and Interfaces highlighted and press the 'F5' key does it search?
06-25-2022 08:41 AM
Hi GovBob,
it always does searches, though, (maybe a different issue) often requires a restart or two before returning the expected results (returns odd reference (handles?) to the equipment.
06-25-2022 09:45 AM
... as an example, i see this (or similar) goofy reference for the PXI-GBIP board along with a database comm error alot