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Lookup Table 1D no sign

Meanwhile, when I tried to drag the snippet it refused to display on my block diagram.I tried many other snippets available on the forum, but all of them display a forbidden sign. It means snippet are not working on my LabVIEW platform.

I am using LV 2012 licensed version.


Any suggestion please.



0 Kudos
Message 21 of 23

Sounds like you found the answer to the first question, about what will be the result when there two identical X values with different Y values.


As for snippets, try dragging them to your desktop first, to create a file, then drag that file onto a block diagram. Some web browsers do not handle drag and drop the way LabVIEW requires (maybe they transfer the image URL instead of the image data for example).

0 Kudos
Message 22 of 23



It worked. Thanks a ton.

0 Kudos
Message 23 of 23