04-08-2010 08:55 AM
here are some VIs
04-08-2010 09:11 AM
I already tried to disable the VI that adds new data to the buffer. But the problem persisted. It's interesting to note that the main VI itself occupies so much memory. The VI that contains the buffer just needs about 20MB of memory.
04-08-2010 10:29 AM
04-08-2010 11:12 AM
04-09-2010 02:05 AM
here is the whole source code. I hope you'll see the problem.
Thank you a lot in advance. I'm happy for every hint.
04-09-2010 05:10 AM
Here is the (very simple) solution so far:
As Paulo said all the memory problems were caused by charts. The chart history length was set to 1024. When you connect a scalar datatype to the chart this means that 1024 data points will be stored. However when you connect a waveform to the chart this means that 1024 waveforms will be stored (for further reference see Charts: Scalar vs. Waveform). Each waveform consists of several datapoints. Altogether this makes a huge amount of data. I reduced the chart's buffer size to 10. So only the last 10 waveform added will be stored. Now my memory usage is not increasing any more.
Thank you a lot!