02-23-2009 05:35 AM
I acquired this program in order to generate sine waves 90 degrees out of phase(sine wave and a cos wave). Howeverin this program the max frequency input of each wave is 10 hz. This is because the update rate is limited to 50 samples/sec. Also has frequency resolution of .01Hz. I have a DAQ6024E card, and i think this card should be able to support a higher sampling rate and hence a higher frequency range. However i do not know how to implement this on the code?Also,how do i control the amplitudes of both the waves?
Any help?
02-23-2009 07:38 AM
Hi Gillyme,
I believe you misunderstand something.
Refer to 6024E datasheet, http://www.ni.com/pdf/products/us/4daqsc202-204_ETC_212-213.pdf, 6024E update rate is up to 10kS/s.
Therefore, you should not have any problem writing a sine wave up to ~1kHz.
There are many continuous analog output found in Help>>Find Example>>Hardware Input and Output>>DAQmx>>Analog Generation that you can modify it for your project.
If you use a sine function to generate wave form, just multiply it with desired amplitude to get expected amplitude waveform.
Regards, Kate
02-24-2009 11:31 AM
I understand the limitations of the card. The question i am asking is why isnt my program able to correspond to these limits?I try to put frequency above 10HZ, it will automatically reset at 10HZ. So why am i not able to generate up to,as you say,~1khz. I tried to decrease the timing delay between loops but the waves become distorted.
For the examples you mentioned, i have already tried these solutions. However they are not able to work...after long consideration. So i would prefer to use my program.
So my question once again is this:
-How do I change my program in order to get a freq above my max of 10Hz?
-How do i increase the resolution?
02-24-2009 01:02 PM
02-26-2009 09:00 AM
I am trying to output two voltage sine waves 90 degrees out of phase at the same frequency and different amplitudes. I tried to use the examples before. When i did this, i outputted two analoge voltages using two channels. However, information was lost in the buffer of the program. (this came out as a skip in one sine wave on an oscilliscope). I contacted ni and they toold me that my DAQ card has only one analog clock, hence when the two sine waves enter the buffer in formation is lost(when regeneration occurs, there is a skip). The asolution would be to use two DAQ cards. However i do not wan to do this as i have only 1. This is why i can not use this program.
So, is there any help with my attached program?
I try to use continuous samples but they waveform become distorted.What do i do?