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LabView --> Control Module --> Motor

Hey everyone, 


I am new here. I am currently working for a way to control a motor(dynamixel mx-28) have the robotics ad-in for labview and it has specific module/commands for my motor. My plan was to connect the motor to lab view via a control module (CM-700). After wiring everything up, I was able to verify that the control module is succefully communicating with LabView but the motor still does not move. 


I used a program called roboplus that came in with the CM-700 and it was able to control the motor, this verified that the motor does wor/wiring is correct.


My ultimate goal is to have labview and an external controller/joy stick to control the motor.





Possible joystick:




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So where is your LabVIEW code (this means a VI, not a .jpeg or a .png, unless, of course, it is a LabVIEW Snippet ...).  We need to be able to "poke" at your code, see what is in the "other Case statement", examine the Express VIs (booo!), etc.  I know you want to learn how to do this yourself, so "do it yourself" and we will help when you show us something that doesn't work.


Bob Schor

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