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LabView Scan To String Function

Hi, I want to ask any ideas on how can I make this in Labview using String functions.

here is the idea.

my input is from a text file with various test parameters,  if I chose FAIL as my selection, my output would be all Test parameters and their corresponding values on a separate textfile. see attached file as example

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Message 1 of 4

Read the file as lines into a 1D array of strings. One line per array element, then iterate over all lines. Check each line if it contains either "Part ID:" or "FAIL" and guide a conditional autoindexing tunnel accordingly. Write back to a file.


See how far you get.

Message 2 of 4

just read your reply 🙂 Thanks for giving me a bright idea, I now have some ideas to start.

Message 3 of 4

I'd use a regex search and replace to remove the unwanted lines



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