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LabView Installation fails



I am sajeela zainab and I am new to LabView. I need to install the setup.

I have windows 10, 64 bit with 8Gb Ram.

I installed LabVIEW 2012 runtime, 64 bit on windows 10. 

I need help regarding installation. I think some supportive files are missing.

Kindly help me, how I complete it.


Many Thanks!


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 10
  • LabVIEW 2012 (or the 2012 runtime engine) is not officially supported under windows 10.
  • Who made the LabVIEW 2012 executable you are trying to run? It is likely that it actually needs the 32bit runtime engine.
  • What kid of errors do you get. Be specific!
  • Are you sure you installed all the needed drivers?
  • What does the program do?
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 10

Thanks for your reply.


Yes I get it that version 12  not supported by Windows 10. So, I installed version 2017. 
How I know about the drivers required for installation. 
Kindly guide me in this regard.
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 10

You need to have the same runtime version as the executable - i.e., LV 2012 runtime for your LV 2012 executable.  Bitness is important as well.

(Mid-Level minion.)
My support system ensures that I don't look totally incompetent.
Proud to say that I've progressed beyond knowing just enough to be dangerous. I now know enough to know that I have no clue about anything at all.
Humble author of the CLAD Nugget.
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Message 4 of 10

@sajeela13 wrote:
How I know about the drivers required for installation. 
Kindly guide me in this regard.

You did not answer any of my other questions!!!


(And as has been said, the runtime engine needs to match the version used to build it (with some recent exceptions that don't apply to you here!) LabVIEW 2012 might work in Windows 10, but it is just not officially supported. Support might be more difficult, depending on drivers needed)


Here are a few more:


  • Why do you think you need the LabVIEW runtime engine at all?
  • The runtime engine is not a development enviromnent so you cannot do any programming with it. It can only be used to run prebuilt standalone LabVIEW executables. (Your subject says "LabView Installation fails", but installing the runtime is NOT a "LabVIEW installation"!)
  • Obviously, you must have such an executable. Did you get any instructions with it? Who gave it to you?
  • Again, what does the program do???
  • If it just does simple computations or simulations, you don't need anything else.
  • If it interacts with hardware (e.g. for data acquisition, vision, or instrument control), you need certain drivers, so follow the instructions.
  • With the information you gave us, we obviously cannot tell what else you need.


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 10


Hope you are fine, I am really thankful that you are replying me to me confused questions. Here is a detail.

1. Why do you think you need the LabVIEW runtime engine at all.

Ans. When I select the windows option for download, I select run time option. As the other option (base, full, professional) does not give the download option.

2. LabView Installation fails", but installing the runtime is NOT a "LabVIEW installation"!

Ans. The download option gives only run time option. When selecting the other one, it is not working, giving a red circle on download option.

3. Did you get any instructions with it? Who gave it to you?

Ans. I download the run time setup from main LabView NI website.

4. If it just does simple computations or simulations, you don't need anything else.

Ans. I need LabView for RF designing, coding and simulation. I have to start from RF designing and modeling. After doing this, we will work on "LabView FPGA".


 I am at a beginner stage, really worried about it.


Many Thanks



0 Kudos
Message 6 of 10

Between this post and your other one, I still have absolutely no idea what you are trying to do.  Are you trying to install LabVIEW itself?  Do you have a LabVIEW executable that needs runtime support?

(Mid-Level minion.)
My support system ensures that I don't look totally incompetent.
Proud to say that I've progressed beyond knowing just enough to be dangerous. I now know enough to know that I have no clue about anything at all.
Humble author of the CLAD Nugget.
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 10

@sajeela13 wrote:

I need LabView for RF designing, coding and simulation. I have to start from RF designing and modeling. After doing this, we will work on "LabView FPGA".



OK so you don't need the runtime engine at all. It will be completely useless for you.

(Just because you cannot download the development system, it does not mean that the runtime will help you in any way.)


So the questions is if you have a valid license for LabVIEW 2012, 32bit, LabVIEW RT, LabVIEW FPGA, and all needed RF toolkits.

If you have a valid 2012 license for all toolkits and modules you need, you should be able to contact NI to get the software. Did you lose your original DVDs?


You can only download older versions directly if you are currently on SSP. Are you? 


0 Kudos
Message 8 of 10


Yes I am trying to download, install and execute LabView by myself through NI LabView official website. By clicking on download option, I am trying to execute it. 

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 10

@sajeela13 wrote:


Yes I am trying to download, install and execute LabView by myself through NI LabView official website. By clicking on download option, I am trying to execute it. 

Yes, we know that already. You did not answer the question about your license and support status.

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Message 10 of 10