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LabView Conversion of Microsoft Word to HTML

Are there any LabView Example codes of converting Microsoft Word into HTML Code?


The LabView Email example only has 2 optional inputs, Text and HTML, but not for Word or Word Document.  So I need to convert a Word Document into HTML code for input to the LabView Email VI.

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Converting a Word document to HTML is not a simple task, one reason being that there are lots of features that can be included in a Word doc which don't have equivalents in HTML. There's probably a way to use ActiveX or .net calls to cause Word to load one of its documents and then resave it in HTML, but from your mention of email formats, I'm thinking this isn't actually what you want.


Are you just looking for a way to email a Word .doc (or .docx or whatever) to someone? Is there a reason you're asking about converting it to HTML besides your observation that the email example has HTML as an option? Normally to send a binary file via email, your email client will encode the file in something like Base64 and then include that in the content of the message. I haven't tried it, but you can check out this document: Sending SMTP Email Attachments from LabVIEW

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