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LabView 2020 community with RT and FPGA modules

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I would like as LabView experts, if is possible activate Real Time module and FPGA module with LabView 2020 Community ?

Before purchasing these modules, we would like try something on PXI + FPGA hardware.


Community LabView is downloaded by NI account and activated well.

Then I downloaded FPGA and RT modules, then I installed it.

I see them in Licence Manager 4.6, but I cannot activate because I havent serial number for Evaluation.

In Licence manager I see Evaluation and Evaluation Available statuses. What I should do ?


Thanks you,





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Message 1 of 5

Hi KPr,


@KPr_HW wrote:

Before purchasing these modules, we would like try something on PXI + FPGA hardware.


Community LabView is downloaded by NI account and activated well.

Then I downloaded FPGA and RT modules, then I installed it.

I see them in Licence Manager 4.6, but I cannot activate because I havent serial number for Evaluation.

In Licence manager I see Evaluation and Evaluation Available statuses. What I should do ?

Now you can do your evaluation of those products!

When the evaluation is successful you can buy the modules to receive your license number from NI…

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 2 of 5

Thanks. I assumed this (what you wrote).


But I am not able open any RT, or any FPGA example. There is exclamation icon over FPGA ,RT targets or examples.

I am able only do (make and run) standard VI examples with LabView Community, without these extensions.


For example this

A part of example for PC, I can run.

FPGA, not.


I forgot remark, I have PXI machine with controller, and PXIe-7820R card



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Message 3 of 5
Accepted by topic author KPr_HW

Hi KPr,


AFAIK the CommunityEdition is not intended for use with RT/FPGA module. It supports LINX by default!


You may call your local NI sales and ask about RT/FPGA pricing/license options. In this call you can also ask about using those modules with the CommunityEdition: atleast this way you can get in (direct) contact with NI. (Without an active SSP it can be hard to start a discussion with a real person from NI…)


Btw. you can also install the "regular" version of LabVIEW and use the complete toolchain (LabVIEW+RT+FGPA) in evaluation mode to test your PXI setup!

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 4 of 5
Accepted by topic author KPr_HW

You also need to install the CompactRIO driver in order to open items that refer to CompactRIO hardware. The CompactRIO driver adds support to your computer that is needed for the LabVIEW RT and FPGA module to access the various cRIO hardware. The FPGA module itself does not know anything about the cRIO hardware but only provides the framework to support FPGA hardware in the LabVIEW project. You need the according drivers for each hardware in order for it to be available in the LabVIEW project.

And yes all hardware drivers need to be installed after the installation of LabVIEW (and the according modules). The driver installer will only add support for its hardware to software products it can find on the computer.

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
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Message 5 of 5