10-04-2013 09:38 AM
Hi everyone,
I'm experiencing some matters with a LabVIEW project, .NET dll,
When I call a method (whenever it's from a VI or from TestStand), it got blocked and so, doesn't output anything, indifinitely (no timeout).
As you can see in the attached screenshot, I've a made a simple Not Door, compile it as a .NET dll, and call the dll from another VI.
The calling VI got stuck in the dll node.
Other .net dlls execute well, I mean those from the GAC, and some I've created before (with the same build configuration).
I'm running on windows XP SP3, with a .NET version: v4.0.30319 Framework, and using LabVIEW 2010.
Does anyone knows about this matter, and how to get rid of it ?
Thanks to all !
10-08-2013 08:37 AM
Thanks for posting on the National Instruments Forum.
I'm sorry to tell you that this is a known issue which is already reported to RnD under the reference CAR #164604.
It says that a .NET Assembly generated by LabVIEW Application Builder cannot be called by LabVIEW.
If your purpose is to use it within another development environment you should not have any problems calling it there.
However, if you need to use it in LabVIEW, as a workaround I would suggest you to create a standard DLL instead.
This issue was fixed in LV 2011.
Samuel G. | GEMESIS
Certified LabVIEW Architect
Certified TestStand Developer
10-10-2013 10:15 AM
Didn't know about that matter of LV2010,
I've actually met the problem with my built .NET dll, using TestStand.
And sometimes, the execution got stuck (not systematically).
I tried so to dig in using LV, but no way.
Thank you very much, good to know !
PS: Guess I got to go to TestStand forum now...