01-12-2017 02:16 AM - edited 01-12-2017 02:18 AM
Hi Michelle,
yes, there is a way: You need to create a waveform for this 3s duration!
Did you read the help for the signal generation function? Do you understand all of its parameters?
When you don't understand this function the best you can do is to create a small "playground" VI to test this function:
Now play with all parameters until you get the desired behaviour (and understand why you got it)!
01-12-2017 12:50 PM
So I was given a code I can work with and I was able to somewhat incorporate a sine wave frequency sweep but it is not working quite right. The code is using the set duration as the duration of the whole run rather than the duration per frequency. Is there any recommendation in how to set the code where it has the duration per sweep rather than the whole run? I have attach the code im using.
Thank You,
01-12-2017 01:25 PM
01-12-2017 05:45 PM
That helped! I got the program to work the way I need it to work, but now I am having a new issue. I added a DAQ assistance to record my data and when I run my program I get an error-200279 and I can’t seem to fix it. I have trying increasing the samples per channel and changing my sample rate but it doesn’t seem to help. Any advice?
I attach the code just in case.
01-13-2017 04:29 PM
Hi Michelle,
I'd recommend you take a look at the Analog Input example VIs. To find these, in LabVIEW go to Help->Find Examples->Hardware Input and Output->DAQmx->Analog Input. These will give you much more control over buffer settings and the like than the DAQ assistant, and you should be able to repurpose them to fit your application.