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LabVIEW Mobile PNG, Bluetooth, VISA support

Hello All,


I am using LabVIEW 2009 Mobile and trying to install the PNG, VISA and bluetooth support for the SMT5600 smartphone (Windows Mobile smartphone 2003).  However, whenever I try to install it (Manual or automatic) I get the following error on the smartphone:


Failed to install on your device because the installation file is not intended for this device


Does anyone have any suggestions?


I tried to copy the respective cab file and manually install it but did not work. I right clicked the target under LV Project and tried to install but still no luck.

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Message 1 of 8



Would it be possible to post a more specific version of Windows Mobile? This information may be found in your device 'About' feature. 


Also, which directories on your PC are your targeting for the file transfer?


According to the specifications for this particular smart-phone, it employs a TI OMAP processor, which is an ARM based architecture. I believe the Mobile module contains .cad files for both ARM and x86. We need to ensure that the ARM compatible files are being transferred to the device.


Please post back any additional questions, or information regarding the system.



Patrick Corcoran
Application Engineering Specialist | Control
National Instruments

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8
thanks for the reply.  I will get the specific information regarding the device.
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8



The Phone About feature displays the following:


Windows Mobile 2003 second Edition


Processor: ARM OMAP 730


However, user system Info the following is displayed:


Maker: Audiovox SMT 5600

Processor: ARM

O.S: Windows CE

Version: 4.21


I manually created a "HardDisk" folder under Storage and used it to target LabVIEW applications.  I am pretty sure that I am trying to load ARM compatible files into it.

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Message 4 of 8



After establishing a connection to the device using ActiveSync, we should be navigating to the PDA utilities folder on your PC. The default install location is as follows:


C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2009\PDA\Utilities


Once in the utilities folder, we look to the LV PNG folder where you will see:




By running the setup.exe contained within this folder, we will be connecting and installing software to the device. Is this the process that produces the error on your system? 



Patrick Corcoran
Application Engineering Specialist | Control
National Instruments

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8
Yes, I followed the procedure but received the error.  I even tried to copy the files directly into the system and tried to install it, but no luck
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8


I do not know about WM 2003 (window mobile) , but I tested on WM version 5.0 and 6.0 (with Motorola, Samsung, HTC phones)

The support NIVisa comes with Labview Mobile Module does not work on smart phone. It only works with PDA.

It needs a special NIVisa version for "Smart Phone - only". You need to contact NI support to get that special version.  

I hope it helps.


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Message 7 of 8



I know you have tried the LabVIEW project method, as well as manual addition of CAB files. Have we tried the VISA installation utility?




Please post back any results.




Patrick Corcoran
Application Engineering Specialist | Control
National Instruments

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Message 8 of 8