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Keithley 24XX Read Multiple Example


Attached is the Keithley 24XX read multiple example from the drivers. I have modified it slightly to record a data point every second using 4-wire measurements. The only type of data I require is resistance measurements. Right now I can only set the test duration by specifying the amount of points to acquire (ie. for a 10 minute test I would put 600 into sample count with 1 second delay between each sample count). There is a delay between the program and sourcemeter for every sample count so I lowered the delay slightly below one second. It does throw my values off in real time but that is ok with me. The downsides are once I run the program it must acquire how ever many sample counts I specified to collect all of the data (if I stop it before allowing it to finish then no data will be given), and I can not see the results in real time such as the resistance values being plotted on a graph during a run. So my question is if anyone knows how to get the resistance values to be plotted in real time during a run, and how I can get the program to stop when I want to while also providing the data that has been collected in the VI that is attached.


Thank you  

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Message 1 of 2

As you can see you need an actual program not just a modified example code fragment.


A simple State Machine is probably all you need.


States could include but are not limited to:

  1. Configure instrument to take a SINGLE measurement
  2. Take a measurement
  3. Display measurement
  4. Save measurement to file
  5. Wait until next measurement interval
  6. Go to 2 until done
=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
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