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Issues with 89601B via SCPI / TCPIP Socket. Cannot get this to work properly.

I have utliized the ActiveX method in the past, but this is not longer supported on later 89601 SW versions.  I have tried to implement SCPI commands using a TCPIP socket, but it fails to be able to read back anything.  I am running version 16.0 of 89601B and am able to issue/read back data using the "Interactive IO" tool.  When I open a connection using Labview, it fails to be able to read anything back from the instrument.  In short, issues are:


1) Do I use a TCPIP open/write/read method, or do I open it as a VISA instrument?  I have tried both (neither work)

2) Are there issues with "Agilent.Translator.exe"?  Every time this opens up, it ties up the TCPIP port and I have to close Agilent.Translator in Task Manager in order for Labview to be able to see the 89601B SW again.


If there are some working sample codes out there to just set this link up properly, that would help significantly.



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Hi, there is a similar post regarding this instrument and the issue you are seeing. You can find it here.

Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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