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Is there a Excel to TDM plugin for LabVIEW 2009

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I downloaded the Excel to TDM plugin and was unable to execute it. The usiReg error dialog stated "This configuration file was created with a new USI version and cannot be used with the software you have installed." I have LabVIEW 2009 SP1 installed and the .net version is 4.0. Is there another version of the 9

plugin that I can use? Is there something else I can do or am I just out of luck until I upgrade?

Phillip Neir
GM Engineering
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4


DataPlugins need a shared component called USI. The ExcelTDM DataPlugin needs at least USI version 1.8. LabVIEW 2009 SP1 ships USI 1.7, so this explains the error message you recieve when trying to register the ExcelTDM DataPlugin.

However, as USI is a shared component, you can upgrade it by installing NI software of a least 2010, e.g. DIAdem 2010 or LabVIEW 2010. Once installed, USI is upgraded to 1.8 or higher so your requirements for registering the DataPlugin are fulfilled.

Starting with LabVIEW 2010, DataPlugins are supported natively by the Storage VIs. If you do not have the possibility to use a newer LabVIEW version, there is a workaround to use DataPlugins in older LabVIEW versions. Please have a look at the following knowledge base article:

How Do I Use Custom Data Types from DIAdem with the Data Storage VIs?


Please note that the ExcelTDM DataPlugin is an example for reading Excel files created by the TDM Excel Add-In. If your layout differs from the TDM Excel Add-In, you need to write your own DataPlugin that fits your layout. Please have a look at the following guide:

DataPlugins programmer's reference guide




0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4

Hi Uwe,

Thanks for your reply. My intent was to edit TDMS content by importing a TDMS file into Excel, making the edits, and importing the new Excel file into another TDMS file. I am aware of I downloaded and registered the plugin for RPC III a few weekis ago. I was able to use _openWithRoot and the plugin in my VI's without issue. That plugin worked. This one doesn't. Without the possibility of registering the plugin, _openWithRoot doesn't do me any good. What I was hoping for is a plugin for Excel To TDM that was created previously and is compatable with v2009. If this does not exist, then I will call it closed and wait for the day that I finally upgrade. Thanks again.

Phillip Neir
GM Engineering
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4
Accepted by topic author Phillip_Neir


the functionallity to open Excel files was added to USI starting with the version 1.8. However, upgrading USI in the way described above will let you register the ExcelTDM DataPlugin and make it available through the in LabVIEW 2009. Installing either DIAdem 2010 or LabVIEW 2010 as demo version is sufficient.

Please see also the reader comments on the ExcelTDM DataPlugin page, a customer asked how to use the Excel support in older DIAdem versions:

ExcelTDM DataPlugin




Message 4 of 4