11-05-2014 03:50 AM
hi everyone,
i have set up a xcontrol with some custom read/write properties.
now i want to to set a property inside the Facade.vi.
is this possible with a property node?
like in the parent vi, when the property node is linked to the xcontrol.
regards and thanks for your time
ps: the why is because i want to test the xcontrol by itself and set some inital state
(for that purpose i have a conditional that only runs at first call in front of the event-structure.)
11-05-2014 04:01 AM
Hi jwscs,
the XControl properties are usually handled in the "Display state" shift register.
You can access the data in that shift register in your facade VI at any time so why do you want to use a property node for this?
11-05-2014 04:32 AM
i guess the main reason is: i am not fully understanding xcontrols 😉
i took your hint and linked a property-node to "State Change In"-property i want to change
and set its "Value" to the one i want.
now the problem remains for me, how to trigger a "Display State Change Event"
where i change all the visible controls.
i tried it with a chained property-node linked to "Action"->"State Changed?" and set it to TRUE,
unfortunately it wont trigger the "Display Change Event".
hope that makes sense for you,
and thx for the quick reply btw
11-05-2014 04:36 AM - edited 11-05-2014 04:36 AM
11-05-2014 04:45 AM
i accessed and changed the "State Changed?" property of "Action", via a property node linked to it to TRUE.
this code is running before the first run of the main Event Structure,
but highlight mode only shows running into "Timeout" not "Display State Change" event.
i thought, that if the "Action"-"State Changed?" property is True
the Event Structure would go to "Display State Change".
(i have read the comments, but possibly misunderstood them)
11-05-2014 05:47 AM
unfortunately still dont know the answer to my original question,
but what i wanted i achieved by the follwoing method (slightly hackish):
i have some setup code in front of the while around the event structure, which is only run once (the time xcontrol is loaded/started)
this setupcode changes the state and thus (with the use of property nodes) sets the values in "Display State In".
to trigger the "Display State Change" Event i have created a new boolean control named helper and added it for value-change to the "Display State Change" Event.
thus when i want to explicitly trigger the "Display State Change" Event i just have to use "Value(Signaling)" with a property node on "helper".
hope that might help someone
11-05-2014 05:49 AM
11-05-2014 06:15 AM
if you mean the Init.vi ability ... havent figured out the proper use (and usecase) of it yet.
(so far it seemed like giving the ability to swap out a changed xcontrol for a running program)
if you mean something else i'd love some more elaborate pointing plz.
thx for the replies so far,
but they seem a little condescending 😞
(first: RTFM, and second: i know something which you dont, but im not telling)
but maybe im just lost in translation