06-02-2010 06:46 AM
I have developed a tool using one of the USI data plugins. This plugin has it's own MSI installation. How do I include this in my own installation so it is automatically available to all users who install my tool? I am using LV8.6.
06-03-2010 03:47 AM
Dear Ian
You need to create a batch file that will install the msiexec.exe during installation.
A) If you are using LabWindows/CVI, try this method:
The Launch After Installation option is only valid for files that
do not need the Windows shell to provide a launch application: .exe
and .bat files. If you want to include a MSI file into
your installer and launch this installer as well, you will need to
install a launcher batch file that take the path to the MSI files
as a command line input and calls msiexec.exe on the
files. You may find the %dest command line variable helpful for
specifying the installed location of the MSI files (see the Edit
Installer Dialog Box - Files Tab help for additional information).
Once you have created a batch file that executes your MSI file,
you should:
B) If using LabVIEW, try this method:
Please see this KnowLedgeBase Article:
06-07-2010 07:50 AM
Thanks for your tips. I have created a BAT file which calls the necessary MSI installation package. It all works fine when I test the BAt file by itself. When it is called at the end of the installation process however I can see that the BAT file is called, but the MSI does not run. I can see both files in the TEMP folder where they were put, and if I manually run the BAT then the MSI is called correctly.
Any ideas why?
06-07-2010 09:08 AM
I think I have solved this issue. I had configured the installation build to put the BAT and MSI files together into the TEMP folder. The BAT file was then supposed to call the MSI file.
By changing the BAT file settings so the command window stays open, I can see that the working directory for the command instance is the folder where the installation SETUP.EXE resides, not the TEMP folder. The BAT file was being invoked, but it was looking for the MSI file in the same folder as SETUP.EXE, not the BAT file.
When I manually copy the MSI file to be alongside SETUP.EXE all works properly.
Now, how should all this have worked, without me needing to manually put the MSI file in the right place?